Category Insights

Innova specializes in food, beverages, beauty, household and personal care. Our worldwide team of experts offers in-depth analysis. From the latest innovations to purchasing dynamics across 300 subcategories in 35+ countries.
Detailed competitor intelligence identifies companies and brands driving the innovation agenda in your category. Innova’s data reveals current and projected market sizes by value, volume and per capita consumption.
Access the now and next in every category
Market Sizing Database
Instant access to value, volume and per capita consumption data for an extensive range of categories. Analyze, group and chart results easily and clearly.
Category Genius
Focus in on the key category insights you need. This dashboard draws from a comprehensive range of data, presented in a format ready for you to use.
We publish a range of reports detailing what’s driving categories now and what’s coming next. From lighter touch reviews to our in-depth analytical publications.
At Innova we can turn our resources toward sophisticated analysis to meet your specific needs. Providing targeted research and defining spaces for growth.
Accelerate your innovation journey now
Be Inspired
Staying on top of the latest developments is key to understanding categories. See some of the themes defining future market direction.

- confectionery

- Category
- Consumer

- Category
- Product